How to Create a Stunning Entry Way

When walking into your home, your entry way is the first thing your house guests see.  As a result, your entry way provides them with their first impression of you and of your home.  Therefore, it is important to know how to create a stunning entry way so you can make a good impression upon your visitors.

Choosing the Right Colors

In order to make your entry way inviting, it is best to choose bright colors that will help open the space up.  Since entry ways tend to be somewhat small, bright colors will help to open the space up and make it feel less cramped.  If you prefer darker colors, choose those that are from a warm pallet.  That way, you can create a more dramatic appearance.

Picking the Right Flooring

When selecting your flooring, it is important to select a material that is both attractive and functional  Since this will be a very high traffic area and people will likely be tracking some dirt and mud in and out of the entry way, you need to make certain it is easy to clean.  Ideally, you should choose a material and color that will also help to conceal some of the dirt.  Otherwise, you will find yourself cleaning the entry way floor throughout the day in order to keep it looking good.

Since people entering the house may also have wet shoes or boots, it is also best to avoid floors that are glossy and polished.  Otherwise, your house guests may find themselves slipping on the floor.  Laminate flooring and wood flooring should both be avoided, as they will not hold up as well against the moisture as tiling.

Lighting Up the Space

Whenever possible, find ways to allow natural light into your entry way.  Natural light helps brighten up the space and open the room up.  Installing a skylight is a great way to bring more light into the entry way.  If natural light is not an option, choose light fixtures that will provide quality lighting but will not get in the way of opening the door.

About Jack Taylor

Jack Taylor is a home improvement contractor who enjoys remodeling, repairing and building new homes and sharing his knowledge of home improvement with others. Not only does he write about contractors and home improvement, but he also can help you find a contractor near you.