How to Repair Wall Coverings

Your wall coverings can go a long way toward creating interest in your living space. Whether you want to add some color to a bedroom, some texture to a living room or a unique look to a hallway or other living space, wall coverings can provide you with look you are after.

At the same time, despite all of the benefits that wall coverings provide, they do require a certain amount of maintenance in order to maintain their appearance. Furthermore, wall coverings may become damaged over time. Therefore, before you install wall coverings, it is a good idea to know how to repair them whenever problems occur.

Blistered Wall Coverings

Blisters are one of the most common problems encountered with wall coverings. Blisters occur as a result of air trapped behind the covering or excess adhesive. As such, it can occur within minutes after applying the covering, or it make take years for blisters to appear.

The best way to deal with blisters is to take steps to prevent them from occurring in the first place. To do this, you should smooth out the wall covering with a straightedge, brushing or a sponge while applying it. If blisters form, you should work them out toward the nearest edge in order to release trapped air or any excess adhesive.

If blisters form in your wall covering after the adhesive has set, you can repair them by first puncturing the blister with a straight pin and then gently squeezing the blister until the trapped air or excess adhesive has escaped. If this doesn’t work, you may need to cut a small X into the blister with a utility knife or single-edge razor blade so you can peel it back and remove the bubble.

If there is a lump of adhesive beneath the blister, you can then gently scrape it away. If air was the problem, you will need to brush some adhesive onto the back of the flaps and then gently press them back in place. While the edges may overlap a little, this overlapping should not be detectable later.

Wall Coverings with Loose Seams

If your wall coverings have developed loose seams, you can repair the problem by lifting the seam slightly and using an artist’s brush to apply adhesive beneath the seam. You should then press the seam back into place and before going over it with a seam roller. If the seam tries to pull away, you should tack it into place with two or three straight pins until the adhesive had dried.

Holes and Tears

Holes and tears can be repaired by first cutting away the ragged edges around the damaged area with a utility knife or single-edge razor blade. You will then need to obtain a patch of the covering that is slightly larger than the damaged area. Then, spread a thin layer of adhesive on the back of the patch and line the pattern up with the pattern on the wall.

Of course, if you are uncomfortable with the repair process, you may wish to contact a professional wall covering contractor to do the job. This way, you can be sure the repair will be perfectly flawless.

About Jack Taylor

Jack Taylor is a home improvement contractor who enjoys remodeling, repairing and building new homes and sharing his knowledge of home improvement with others. Not only does he write about contractors and home improvement, but he also can help you find a contractor near you.

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